LestersLegends.com is Up and Running
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After many months of blogging under The Sporting News umbrella , and more recently on Associated Content I am stepping out on my own. Well, not exactly on my own. Fantasy Players Network has welcomed me as their newest member. They are going to help get the word out for me. I am very grateful and excited about the opportunity.I have been blogging for about 20 months, right after Pittsburgh defeated Seattle in the Super Bowl. I thought there were many questionable calls and wanted to vent about it. So I used the SportingNews blog capabilites and wrote it down. Nobody paid any attention to it, but I kind of liked writing about sports. I became more and more active both on the SportingNews threads, but even more so writing my blog. For some reason people started to respond to my writing and eventually I cracked the Top 20 for page views on the site. Like a wildfire I began ascending towards the top, which is where I sit now with over 875,000 page views since my initial blog. I won't begin to try and explain the phenomenom of people checking out my site, I am just flattered by it. I was quoted in a Business Week online article last year, which led me to meeting Jeff Pester, President of TurfWar.com, who put me in tough with the Fantasy Players Network. That's how LestersLegends.com became a reality.Most of my attention will be on football. More specifically, fantasy football. I, like millions of you out there, can't get enough of fantasy football. I am constantly checking my team for player updates, looking for trade possibilities, and scanning the waiver wire. I also read the message board for any new smack talk. On my site I am going to be talking about fantasy football. I'll make predictions, try and dig out some waiver wire gems, and much more. If you have a lineup question or a trade question, I'll be glad to give my advise. I'm not always right, but it's nice to have another ear to bounce things off of. I encourage comments from readers. I love a great debate. I post frequently so please check back to see what we're talking about.
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