Calling it the way I see it.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Shawne Merriman's Suspension

When I read about "Lights Out" I got a strange feeling about him. It seemed unnatural the way he went at it full steam all the time. Who knows how long Merriman used steroids, but what gets me is the little reaction. Shawne Merrim*n is one of the best new defensive players in the NFL. In baseball terms, he's like a David Wright or Ryan Howard. Can you imagine the hoopla that Wright or Howard would receive if they got caught using steroids and subsequently suspended a quarter of the season? The attention would be almost what MeO (Terrell Owens) receives on a weekly basis. I wonder if Merrim*n was using when he knocked Priest Holmes out last year. Priest Holmes was one of the best players in the league, and one of the most humble ones. His career is most likely over after the head trauma he received from Merrim*n's hit. Was it a "clean" hit? We'll never know. I just ask, where's the outrage? When Rafael Palmier* got busted, there was a heck of a lot more attention than this is getting. Why the double standard? Someone please enlighten me.

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